Since 2016, in order to comply with the requirements of the ISO 17100 quality standard, we have sent satisfaction questionnaires to all our customers after the completion of each project.

The results are impressive:

This continuous monitoring of satisfaction is also essential to ensure that our services not only meet, but exceed customer expectations, which helps us adjust processes to maintain excellent service.

Graph showing the level of M21Global Satisfaction % of responses - good/very good and likely/very likely:
The high level of satisfaction among our customers is clear, with 99% of the responses rating our quality of service as “good” or “very good” and the likelihood of recommendation as “likely” or “very likely”.
M21Global Satisfaction % of responses

It’s not just the high percentage of satisfaction that fills us with pride. We are most gratified by the consistent satisfaction, which shows an increasing trend over the last 8 years. The overall satisfaction of our customers with their overall experience and satisfaction with the translation service offered are the parameters to which we give the most prominence.

Graph showing Overall Satisfaction and Satisfaction with Translation Quality (2016-2024):
This graph shows the evolution of overall satisfaction and satisfaction with translation quality over the years, highlighting a consistent trend of high satisfaction among our customers.
Satisfaction in General and with the Translation Quality

In these 8 years, we have translated more than 200 million words across more than 12,000 projects. We received more than 1,500 responses to our questionnaires, representing a response rate of over 12%.

Graph showing the evolution of Responses to Questionnaires (2016-2024):
By increasing the number of projects over the years, we see a correspondence in the number of responses received to our satisfaction questionnaires, reinforcing our feedback-oriented approach.
Responses to Questionnaires

The responses to this questionnaire provide us with a clear view on how our clients perceive our services and their satisfaction, reflecting our unwavering dedication to quality, starting upon first contact until the translation is delivered.

The results from our clients’ satisfaction are remarkable in both the B2B and B2C segments, highlighting the trust and perceived quality of our services.

Around 83% of responses come from business customers (B2B), while the remaining 17% come from private customers (B2C). In the B2B segment, 66% of responses were from Portuguese companies, while 31% represented companies from Spain, France, Brazil and the United States.

These numbers demonstrate the diversity and breadth of our services, and our ability to serve a wide range of clients with efficiency and superior quality.

Graph showing the B2B vs B2C Level of Satisfaction:
Comparison between overall satisfaction, recommendation of services, service quality and translation quality among business (B2B) and private (B2C) customers, showing high levels of satisfaction in both segments.
B2B vs B2C Level of Satisfaction

These results are a testament to our ongoing commitment to quality and excellence. At M21Global, we adhere to the motto “zero errors, total satisfaction”.

Our dedication to quality is unwavering and is the cornerstone of our services. We strive daily to enhance the quality of our work and offer excellent services to our customers.

We are committed to providing a flawless customer experience by ensuring that each translation project meets the highest quality standards.

We wish to thank our customers for their trust and continuous feedback. Their responses enable us to grow and continuously improve our services.

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