Translation Meticulous and Precise

The translation of technical and legal documents requires meticulous management and care that combines precision, competence and in-depth knowledge of the respective areas of knowledge. An accurate linguistic translation is not enough given the complexity and specificity of these documents: it is also imperative to maintain specific technical and legal terminology, ensuring that the translated content faithfully reflects the meaning and intention of the original text.

M21Global is at the forefront of technological advances, using not only the most advanced translation assistance systems on the market, but also investing in the development of innovative in-house solutions, which go beyond some of these solutions, adapting to the specific needs of our customers. These tools, created by our IT department, are designed to ensure a uniform and coherent translation throughout the document. They also facilitate synergy between the team of translators, which allows them to work together on a single text, significantly optimising delivery times.

The combination of our linguistic experience with the technological tools we develop in-house takes the quality of our translations to the next level. This integrated approach allows us to offer agile and personalised solutions to our customers, such as our customer platform, one of the most advanced platforms in the sector, through which M21Global stands out as a leader in quality, innovation and competitiveness.

Our mission goes beyond simple translation. We aim to be your strategic partner in translations, committing ourselves to contributing decisively to the success of our clients. Because at M21Global, we believe that our customers’ success is the true measure of our own success.

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